Christine Wallner received her BFA from Alfred University. She majored in ceramics and studied under Tony Hepburn, minoring in painting and art history. Following graduation, she moved to Boston where she worked in the printmaking department at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts. At that time, faux finishing, a popular design trend, became the rage in Europe and was catching on in America. Christine began practicing these techniques on furniture and selling her wares in boutiques.
In the early ’90s, Christine moved to Minneapolis, a progressive city of entertainment, art, and architecture. While there, she was exposed to an exciting lifestyle and art culture. She began working for corporations, offering some of the earliest material wall finishes in the U.S and installing them in skyscrapers.
Christine moved to Berkeley, California as an accomplished wall designer. Her main focus returned to furniture finishes and inspired by cement, she started designing a lightweight high strength furniture veneer. This took her in a new direction, focusing on the materials themselves. Berkeley’s commitment to environmental values and the open exchange of ideas and innovation which existed in this college town, combined with Chris’ background in ceramics and wall finishes, lead to the invention of a unique, sustainable material.
Christine currently holds four utility patents in the U.S and four utility patents internationally on a cementitious veneer and laminate material called Verite. The material is stone/ceramic-like, uses two recycled materials in its composition, and conserves water and resources. Over time the material increases in strength and decreasesin weight.
Today, Christine owns and operates Stonelace Designs, established in 2006. She is the principal of Ecomeld, Corp. Her company was at the forefront of the grassroots movement that occurred in the Bay Area involving the growth of sustainable green businesses and practices. Chris’ commitment and passion for environmentally-friendly materials continue today.
Most importantly, Christine is a material designer. She styles by juxtaposing unlikely combinations of textures and material products. By using an intuitive approach, Christine listens to her clients to fulfill their desires, and her clients develop a new appreciation for the walls that surround them.